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Help the hunting dogs of Spain


If you want to help the hunting dogs of Spain, now you can. The National Strategy for Hunting Management goes out to public consultation, and it seems more like a text tailored to the likes of hunting lobbies, without any scientific rigor, than an effort to modernize such practice. Only until the 2nd of February, emails can be sent proposing changes, or being outraged by the proposal, to bz************@ma**.es. So now you know, get to writing. I recommend that you read the full draft (link below), but some of the most poignant points, in relation to dogs, are: The Ministry of Agriculture proposes to remove hunting dogs from the future Animal Welfare Law (see the law on www.moonleaks.org), as if the same dog used in hunting loses your protection and rights. Agriculture also proposes to “adjust” the specific requirements applied to rehalas, groups of hunting dogs, and breeder hunters, creating tailored conditions for the breeding of hunting dogs that may not comply with the regulations of zoological nucleus, which requires having a license of zoological nucleus to all those with more than five dogs. It must be remembered that only 1.6% of the Spanish population has a hunting license.

Link to draft